Mutual of Omaha | Carriers | AHCP
Contact Agent Services (877) 228-8773

OUR CARRIERS - Mutual of Omaha

  • Critical Illness
  • Disability
  • Final Expense
  • Long-Term Care
  • Medicare
  • Term Life
  • Whole Life

Mutual of Omaha was founded on a simple principle: to provide financial security and care in difficult times. For more than 100 years, they have put that principle into action not only through their products and services, but also through our involvement in the community. Mutual of Omaha is a mutual company. That enables us to focus on the long-term needs of our policyholders, not the short-term demands of the stock market. They have built a policyholder surplus of $2.3 billion, an amount that represents added security and protection for your clients



Appointment Information

How to get appointed with Mutual of Omaha

All agents must complete the appointment paperwork to become appointed.

How long does it take to get appointed?

It takes 10-14 business days after submitting your paperwork.

Adding Non-Resident Appointments

Agents should provide their non-resident license copies to AHCP with a request to add the appointment to their Mutual of Omaha record.

Mutual of Omaha Carrier Back Office

How to register on the carrier’s website

  1. Start by clicking here.
  2. Click on “Sign up”
  3. Complete all required fields
  4. Click “Submit”

Mutual of Omaha Client Management Tools

Check application status

To check the status of your submitted applications…

  1. Log in to your back office
  2. Select “Reports” from the tabs at the top of the page.
  3. You may then select Case Status Reports (search by production number or policy number) or Medicare Supplement Application Tracking (search by name)

Quoting and submitting business

Agents can access it through their Mutual of Omaha back office once appointed.

View your book of business

The agent will only be able to view applications submitted within the last 60 days.

Mutual of Omaha Commission Information

AHCP processes Mutual of Omaha commissions internally. The agent must list AHCP as the General Agent of record on every application. Commission statements are stored in the Comissio.

Commission Cycle

Mutual of Omaha’s commissions are paid as earned and are processed weekly.



Training Videos


Take your career to the next level and join the growing community of agents who have found it very rewarding to work with AHCP.

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