Assurity | Carriers | AHCP
Contact Agent Services (877) 228-8773


  • Accident
  • Annuity
  • Critical Illness
  • Life

Assurity specializes in providing innovative protection-based financial solutions for every stage of life. Assurity products can be tailored according to specific individual, family or business situations. We understand that consumers have unique protection needs and individual preferences for how they purchase their insurance protection. Assurity products and services are available through a nationwide network of brokers who serve individual clients one on one and to employees through their place of work.



Appointment Information

Processing Time

Assurity appointments take approx. 7-10 business days to process depending on the state. Agents will be notified via email when their appointment has been completed.

Checking Appointment Status

Reach out to Agency Services for the status of each of your appointments. Agency Services can be reached at 877-228-8773 or via email at

Adding Non-Resident Appointments

Agents should provide their non-resident license copies to AHCP with a request to add the appointment to their Assurity record.

Appointment Fees/Renewals

Assurity is currently charging non-resident appointment fees which is listed on the appointment paperwork.

Adding a Corporation

Agents should become appointed as an individual producer. Agents can then assign their commissions to their corporation by completing an assignment of commission form. AHCP will pay all future commissions to the tax-id provided by the agent.


Assurity Carrier Back Office

  1. Go to
  2. Click on “Register”
  3. AHCP agents should register as an agent
  4. Proceed through the registration process, creating your own user-id and password.


Assurity Quoting and Submitting New Business

How do I run a quote?

Agents can run quotes using the E App tool through their back office.


Assurity Client Management Tools

Check application status

To check the status of your submitted applications…

  • Log into Assurity Back Office
  • Click on the “Reports” tab
  • On the left side, click on “Application Updates”


Assurity Commission Information

Who processes commission- AHCP or the carrier?

AHCP processes Assurity commissions internally. The agent must list AHCP as the General Agent of record on every application. Commission statements are stored in the Comissio. Commission is paid as earned.

Commission Cycle

New Business Commissions

Commissions are paid when a member’s premium is collected and posted by Assurity. New business commissions are processed weekly.

Earned commission cycle

Earned commission and renewals are processed once a month, the middle of the following month.



Training Videos


Take your career to the next level and join the growing community of agents who have found it very rewarding to work with AHCP.

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