International Medical Group | Carriers | AHCP
Contact Agent Services (877) 228-8773

OUR CARRIERS - International Medical Group

  • Travel

International Medical Group® Inc. your Single Resource for International Medical Insurance, One call. One company.

Our full-service approach to providing international medical insurance products includes servicing vacationers, those working or living abroad for short or extended periods, people traveling frequently between countries, and those who maintain multiple countries of residence. To meet all these needs, we have developed a comprehensive range of major medical, life, dental and disability products that can be tailored to meet individual.

The bottom line is that IMG can serve as your single source for every international medical coverage need, including travel medical insurance, expatriate insurance, international employee benefits, missionary insurance, marine insurance, stop loss insurance, international medical management services and trip cancellation insurance.

Appointment Information

Processing Time

IMG appointments take approx. 5-7 business days to process depending on the state. Agents will be notified via email when their appointment has been completed.

Checking Appointment Status

Reach out to Agency Services for the status of each of your appointments. Agency Services can be reached at 877-228-8773 or via email at

Adding Non-Resident Appointments

Agents should provide their non-resident license copies to AHCP with a request to add the appointment to their IMG record.

Appointment Fees/Renewals

IMG does not currently charge appointment fees.

How to register on the carrier’s website

  • Go to IMG’s Agent Registration page at
  • Select “New User Registration”
  • Enter in your Producer Number indicated on your welcome letter and email
  • You will receive an email from IMG with further registration instructions. If you do not receive the email within the hour of submitting the registration form, please check your spam or junk folders. If you still have not received the email, please contact the IMG Sales Center at 866-368-3724.


IMG Quoting and Submitting New Business

How do I run a quote?

  1. Agents can log into the IMG Producer Area and click on “Generate a Quote”


IMG Client Management Tools

Check application status

To check the status of your submitted applications:

  1. Log into the IMG Producer Area
  2. Select “Manage My Insured”


IMG Commission Information

Who processes commission, AHCP or the carrier?

AHCP processes IMG commissions internally. The agent must list AHCP as the General Agent of record on every application. Commission statements are stored in the Comissio.

Commission Cycle

Earned commission cycle

Earned commission and renewals are processed once a month, the middle of the following month.

Getting Started - IMG 101


Take your career to the next level and join the growing community of agents who have found it very rewarding to work with AHCP.

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