netWell - AHCP
Contact Agent Services (877) 228-8773


  • Cost Sharing

As an innovative health care sharing ministry, netWell has created an advanced, technological approach to the ever-changing healthcare industry. We are built to provide you with a true, modernized member-to-member sharing experience, all while offering a variety of health care options to fit your personal needs and goals. Your wellness is our mission!

Appointment Information:

How to get appointed with netWell:

Any agents wanting to be appointed must complete the new appointment form. Once AHCP processes the packet, we will email you with instructions. There is a NetWell quiz that is required. Once you pass that, NetWell will send you the contracting documents.

Any questions can be directed to our AHCP contracting team by email or by calling (877) 228-8773.

Appointment Fees/Renewals:

At this time, there are no appointment fees.

How long does it take to get appointed?

24-48 hours once the carrier’s contracting link is completed.

Carrier Backoffice:

Agents will have access to client management tool including quoting via netWell backoffice. Login credentials to the backoffice are accessible 24 hours after carrier contracting is completed.


netWell Commission Information

Who processes commissions, AHCP or the carrier?

AHCP processes netWell commissions internally. Commissions are paid as-earned only and the commission statements can be found in Comissio.


Commission cycle

Earned commission and renewals are processed once a month. No Advances available.

Training Videos


Take your career to the next level and join the growing community of agents who have found it very rewarding to work with AHCP.

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