Priority Health | Carriers | AHCP
Contact Agent Services (877) 228-8773

OUR CARRIERS - Priority Health

  • Dental
  • Major Medical
  • Short Term Medical

Priority Health is a Michigan-based health plan nationally recognized for improving the health and lives of our members
While most insurance companies manage claims, we help our members manage their health by ensuring they receive the right care at the right time, in the right place. We reward physicians for the quality of care they provide, not the quantity of patients they see. Our group, individual, Medicare and Medicaid products provide benefit solutions wherever people are in life.

We're more than just health insurance — we're a healthier approach to health care.

Priority health has over 25 years of experience in the industry. From its start as Butterworth HMO in 1986, it has grown from serving 1,300 members to serving 625,000. When you choose Priority Health, you'll get more value. We're committed to helping our members stay healthy, have a good health care experience, and save money.

Appointment Information

How to get appointed with Priority Health:

Complete the appointment paperwork above and return to AHCP Agent Serices.

How long does it take to get appointed?

Priority Health appointments take approximately 14 business days to process. Agents will be notified via email when their appointment has been completed.

Priority Health Online Agent Portal

    • Go to
    • In the login box at the top of the page click ‘Create account’
      Select Agent Account.
    • Follow instructions on the form, filling in: your agency information, your name, contact info, role, etc.
    • Agree to Agent Agreement.
    • A priority health representative will contact you within 14 days to verify your submitted information and set up your account.


Priority Health Quoting and Submitting New Business

How do I run a quote?

      • Visit Priority Health
      • Click on “Shop Plans” under Individual & Family Plans
      • Click on “Get a Quote” and enter the required information
      • You may also use PriorityQuote 2.0 located in your Priority Health back office to quote for plans effective January 1, 2014 and later


Priority Health Client Management Tools

To manage applications and to view your book of business

      • Go to Priority Health and log in
      • Click on “PriorityQuote 2.0” under Agent Tools


Priority Health Commission Information

Who processes commission, AHCP or the carrier?

AHCP processes Priority Health commissions internally. Commission statements are stored in the Comissio.


Commission Cycle

New Business Commissions

Commissions are paid when a member’s premium is collected and posted by Priority Health. New business commissions are processed weekly.

Earned commission cycle

Earned commission and renewals are processed once a month, the middle of the following month.

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